girls kurta design

 In modern usage, a short kurta is referred to as the kurti, which is the attire of females. However, traditionally, the term kurti refers to waist coats,[1] jackets and blouses[2] which sit above the waist without side slits, and are believed to have descended from the tunic of the Shunga period (2nd century B.C.).[3] The kurti is distinguished from the choli by the latter leaving the midriff exposed.

The Kurti can be a unisex garment, in the same way the Kurta can be a unisex garment. The main difference generally is that the Kurti Top is much longer, whereas the Kurta is a bit shorter. [4] "Usually the Kurti was longer than male's Kurta, for sometimes it reached down [past] the knees. (Raghoo 1984:3) * She use to wear long dress and kurtee and tie a handkerchief on her head. (Deen 1994:167)."

It is a typical dressing pattern of Indians especially the northern regions.

The trend and origin of this clothing style is from the northern India and even today the other parts of the nation though modernalized wear kurti but it is worn by females majorly in north while the south prefers saree.

There are a number of styles of kurti which include the following:


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